Delaware Bay Lighthouse Keepers

& Friends Association, Inc. 

"Our mission is to preserve the history of the Delaware Bay

 and River Lighthouses, Lightships and their Keepers."


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Guestbook Comments:

" Hi, I was stationed on Ship John after boot camp in 1965. Have some fond memories and some not so fond. Am now in South Carolina. I remember (being) stuck on the light in Jan. 66, with Martin Muldowney. Ice was too thick for small boats to get to us. Finally got relieved via Cgc Cutter Sauk. A Philadelphia Bulletin writer was on board and wrote an article about us. It was on page three of the Sunday Bulletin. My father went out and bought 5 papers. Thanks for your assoc." - John McKenney

"I love the Brandywine Shoal Lighthouse. We have a boat and travel to her when we visit the bay. It is so beautiful . I love to see her. Hope someday soon they will open her for tours." - John Young

"Just found your web site. Brings back many wonderful memories. While in the USCG, I was stationed on 14 Foot Bank L/S back in 1969. We had several fishing boats come out and tie up to fish. It was nice to see visitors. I changed duty stations with Dan McFadden. I believe he had something to do with the Lighthouse organization up there." - Wray Gillette, BMCM USCG Ret.

"I was stationed at the Lewes coast guard station in 1963 and 1964. I was a boatswain’s mate and did most of my work out of Roosevelt inlet. We were in the search and rescue unit using 40 footers. I remember the lighthouses very well since we were out in the bay almost daily. We used to drop mail and supplies off to the guys, and transport them back and forth whenever necessary. Great time in my life. Thanks for creating the website. I want to say hello to Ray Pfaff who I was stationed with in Lewes. I have a lot of great stories about my time on the bay. Thanks again. " - Gary Pyle

"Keep up the good work!! Love the website!"  - Betsy Z., Pennsylvania

"Great Job! I really like the website!" - Raymond Pfaff, DBLHKFA member and former Keeper/Coast Guardsman

"A wonderful lighthouse cruise with a great group of people. Really enjoyed the opportunity to see and photograph Brandywine Shoal, Harbor of Refuge, Seventeen Foot, and Miah Maull Lighthouses. Looking forward to future events with the club. Thank you! " - Bill Watson

"I love the site and it has helped me get info on New Jersey lighthouses that I didn't have. I think that all of you are to be congratulated on a job well done." - H. Kent Edwards, Lighthouse Photo

"Just found this site and am interested as I was stationed on both 14 ft and Brandywine during 1971/1973." - Randy Alkins



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The Delaware Bay Lighthouse Keepers & Friends Association (DBLHKFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit preservation and educational organization.

Site Copyright 2004, Delaware Bay Lighthouse Keepers and Friends Association unless otherwise noted.  All images on site are copyright 2004 DBLHKFA unless otherwise noted.  For problems or questions regarding this web site contact  Last updated: Aug. 27, 2018.